展商名称(中文) 颂艺术中心
展商类别 当代艺术
国家 中国
城市 北京
邮编 100016
展商地址(主地址) 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区797路颂艺术中心
电子邮箱 zhaohaitao@soulart.org.cn
电话 15110213811
展商经营始于 2022年10月
日常营业时间 周二至周日11:00-18:00
展商负责人(总监) 赵海涛
电子邮箱 zhaohaitao@soulart.org.cn
手机 15110213811
展商联络人 张丽阳
电子邮箱 zhangliyang@soulart.org.cn
手机 13426291684
展商注册公司名称 颂空间艺术文化(海南)有限公司
账单地址 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区797路颂艺术中心

Soul Art
——心灵的空间 生活的艺术


Soul Art
——The space of soul, the art of living
Soul Art is a young art organization, established in Beijing. It focuses on the most dynamic contemporary art and creating the most innovative development platform for young artists. “Soul Art” works on discovering outstanding young artists, increasing the number of collectors and expanding commercial market for them accurately and constantly therefore enhancing their personal influence and artistic value. Soul Art hopes to become the most innovative art institution in China and a connector among art, fashion, culture and commerce.

Soul Art「定位」
“ORIENTATION of Soul Art ”

The first in Beijing: A brand new art institution with collectors that invites only
Focusing on the most dynamic contemporary art
With cohesion, foresight and empowerment
Discovering the most dynamic emerging artists
Creating an innovative development platform for global young artists

The only one in Beijing: inviting cooperative artists to create salons
Linking the most talented literati / stars / fashion icons and top brands
With communication, sharing and co-creation, we provide a creative platform for artists to freely release their creativity.

The most beautiful in Beijing: Aesthetics living room
We provide top business and fashionistas with one-stop service of urban aesthetic lifestyle in all aspects for upgrading art, aesthetics and lifestyle.
Mission: sparing no efforts to empower the new generation of young artists around the world
Vision: making art fashionable
——Creating a spiritual world that is oriented towards beauty and a better human environment.
Sense of value:
Create the value of art attentively
Create the beauty of life attentively

The brand of “Soul Art”
Aesthetic style: presenting a spiritual space for soothing the soul that is「modern and elegant」.

Exhibitions selected by “Soul Art”:
We hope that “Soul Art” is not an exhibition space in general context, but a “three-dimensional magazine” in the mind of the founder, Ms. Su Mang. It will give artists the most freely creative platform through in-depth understanding of artists with a new way of hosting exhibitions. We provide young audience with an unprecedented new perspective and beautiful spiritual experience to watch life, look at themselves and place their hearts.

Artists selected by “Soul Art”:
The work of the artists who we choose to cooperate with has not only strong artistry and creation diversity, but also have cultural diversity. The artists are mature stars in the future. They have their own independent artistic thoughts and artistic language. They convey their thinking and questioning of time as well as in-depth exploration of human nature.

Collectors selected by “Soul Art”:
We will invite the most influential industry leaders in various fields to establish a new generation of collectors system. We will serve our collectors in an all aspects. We will not only help young artists find their true friends, but also find sponsors for their future development. We will provide collectors with the most potential high-quality artists and exclusive services for collectors’ own enterprises. We will build the bridge for cross-border cooperation between art, top fashion brands and commercial brands. We will create noble art activities for our collectors.

Partners selected by “Soul Art”:
We always believe that the value of art and the sense of power presented by artists are the most scarce spiritual products of this era. Therefore, we hope to find a highly compatible top brand for them and create a new mode of art exhibition, so that our guests and artists can have the most unique spiritual intersection. The ultimate pursuit of our team are enabling more people to benefit from art and providing customers of brands with better artistic experience and emotional value of art with the publicity of art and the creativity of artists.

「頌」艺术中心选址于北京艺术心脏——798艺术区最黄金的位置,毗邻「木木美术馆」;「当代唐人画廊」和「常青画廊」,我们的空间选择在北京市文物保护建筑「50年代苏联援建的包豪斯风格建筑楼体内」,充满历史感和时代性。我们力邀国际知名建筑师事务所Temp的主理人,也是AD全球100建筑师获奖人——Howard Jiho Kim操刀空间设计,以「现代且典雅」的空间美学为基调,营造现代艺术的精神殿堂。
Our space:
“Soul Art” is located in the centre of Beijing Art – the prime location in 798 Art District and adjacent to “M WOODS”,”Tang Contemporary Art” and “Galleria Continua”. Our space chose “Bauhaus style architecture built with the assistance of the Soviet Union in the 1950s” ,which is a cultural relic protection building in Beijing. The place is full of historical sense and modernity. We sincerely invite Howard Jiho Kim, the director of Temp which is an internationally renowned architect firm and the winner of AD Global 100 architects, to design the space. He creates a spiritual palace of modern art with a basis of space aesthetics——modern and elegance.

我们的品牌——「頌」,灵感源自距今3000年前的中国诗歌总集《诗经》。《诗经》共305篇,是我们中国古老的文化宝库。分为三部分:由民间创作的乡土民歌《风》;贵族文人创作的乐歌《雅》;和庙堂宗祠上吟诵的诗歌《頌》。而据《诗.大序》中所释:“頌者,美盛德之形容,以其成功告于神明者也。” 所以,我们把自己的艺术空间命名为「頌」Soul Art, 是以寄托着“艺术,是一座属于现代人心灵的庙堂。”——这一美好的精神向往。
Our brand:
Our brand – “Soul Art” is inspired by The Book of Songs (Shijing), a collection of Chinese poetry 3000 years ago. The book of songs, with 305 chapters, is an ancient cultural treasure in China, which is divided into three parts: the local folk song “Wind” created by the folk; The music song “Ya” created by noble literati; And the poem “Ode” recited on the temples and ancestral halls. According to the interpretation in the preface of the poem “those who sing praise are those who praise the gods with their success.” ,we named our art space “Soul Art” to express a beautiful spiritual longing that is “art is a temple that belongs to the soul of modern people”.

而她的英文更具巧思:SOUL ART既是 Soul Art「灵魂的艺术」;亦是含有SO和创始人姓氏SU 「苏」的深意。
The English name is more ingenious: Soul Art means not only the soul of art, but also the founder’s sur name “Su”.

The team of Soul Art :
The founder, Ms.Su Mang, is an excellent magazine publisher and media entrepreneur/ philanthropist. She founded the most influential fashion magazine in China——Harper’s BAZAAR and created the top charity activity in China——”BAZAAR Star Charity Night”. She was the president of Trends Group, leading the company to be the leader of China’s media and publishing industry. In 2010, she got involved in the art field and founded BAZAAR ART which advocates making art fashionable and creating the value of art. The magazine has successfully promoted the development of Chinese contemporary artists. In 2017, she curated the “breaking the boundaries /the 150th anniversary bazaar fashion art exhibition” as the chief planner in Today Art Museum, creating a precedent for multimedia exhibition of art and fashion.
The creation of “Soul Art” is the continuation of Su’s ideal. Together with our young international professional team, she will add color and imagination space to 798 Art District. Uniting with artists and experts of art and academic world, she can gather more powerful resources as well as media experience to help fulfill the art dream and create the beauty of life.

Business of “Soul Art”:
We divide our business into three segments: media, exhibition and collection. We will invite the best media, curators and collectors to do a professional and rigorous work for the propagation of art, research of artists, analyzing the academic value of works and endorsing their collection value. We will strive to present our audience the best artistic content, the best value of work and good aesthetic experience.

Our mission: to develop the best art ecosystem with the most sincere dedication and unparalleled service.
Our duty:
——serve the artists well.
——serve the collectors well.
——serve our cooperative customers well.
Create artistic value attentively
Create the art of life attentively

近一年展览记录 [139]

展位面积 中型 ≈ 50-70㎡