展商名称(EN) Daqian Gallery
展商名称(中文) 大千画廊
展商类别 当代艺术
国家 中国
城市 北京
邮编 100015
展商地址(主地址) 北京798艺术区797中街1-22幢一层2号
网站 www.daqiangallery.com.cn
电子邮箱 info@daqiangallery.com.cn
电话 18910842305
展商经营始于 1988年10月
日常营业时间 周二至周日 10:30-18:00(周一闭馆,节假日除外)

展商负责人(总监) 王娅琼
电子邮箱 sansanwang33@163.com
手机 13501238509
展商联络人 亚东
电子邮箱 1273727491@qq.com
手机 18910842305
展商注册公司名称 北京市大千画廊
账单地址 北京798艺术区797中街1-22幢一层2号

 Daqian Gallery
In 1988, Daqian Gallery was founded in Liulichang, with a plaque inscribed by Mr. Li Keran. In 2016, when Daqian Gallery was moved from Liulichang to 798 Art Zone, a new center of Chinese contemporary art, Ms. Gao Xiaoqi took over Daqian Gallery and shouldered the responsibility to construct and promote a contemporary visual art system based on the oriental philosophy and the spirit of ink painting. Daqian Gallery is committed to presenting the contemporaneity of the language of ink and wash, exploring the contemporary interpretation of the oriental aesthetic spirit, adhering to the precedent of the first agency in the Liulichang era to represent artists, supporting the growth of emerging artists, linking art, business, fashion, life and other related fields, in order to promote the oriental contemporary art.

近一年展览记录 [139]

展位面积 中型 ≈ 50-70㎡