展商名称(中文) 熏依社画廊
展商类别 当代艺术
国家 中国
城市 上海
邮编 200031
展商地址(主地址) 中国 上海 徐汇区复兴中路1363弄3号108 / Room 108, No.3, Lane 1363, Middle Fuxing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China 200031
网站 www.shunartdesign.com
电子邮箱 gallery@shunartdesign.com
电话 +86 (0)21 5496 1918
展商经营始于 2006/08
日常营业时间 11:00 ~ 19:00(周日-周二)

Shun Art Gallery · Tokyo
〒135-0091 東京都港区台場2-2-4 クリニックモール3階
Clinic Mall 3F , 2-2-4 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 〒135-0091
T: +81 03-6426-0726 . Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 . shunartdesign@gmail.com .

展商负责人(总监) Shun
电子邮箱 shunhng@gmail.com
手机 13681793682
展商联络人 毛芊惠
电子邮箱 driss.mao@shunartdesign.com
手机 13816379766
展商注册公司名称 上海熏依社文化艺术有限公司
账单地址 上海市徐汇区复兴中路1363弄3号108室

熏依社画廊于2006年8月,由Shun在上海M50创始,并于2017年迁址法租界复兴中路的克莱门公寓。「熏依社」取自Shun Art & Design的音译,熏即「Shun」,依即「艺术 Art」,社即「设计 Design」。画廊以亚洲当代艺术为运营主线,定期策划中、日、韩、印度等地的当代艺术家的个展与群展,同样也注重全球艺术家的引进和交流展示。画廊代理的艺术家涵盖了从上世纪初的载入史册的艺术家,直至当今最前沿NFT艺术家。2022年是熏依社画廊成立的第16年,画廊始终坚持独到的艺术洞察力与严谨的学术研究,不断挖掘新锐艺术家,与其葆有长期及紧密的关系,支持他们完成创想。同时,画廊不忘自己的社会责任,积极发起公益活动:629汶川大地震慈善义拍(2008)、「携手」东日本311地震慈善义拍(2011),并策划了2010上海世博会纪念版画全球巡展。画廊于2020年在日本东京成立了新空间Shun Art Gallery · Tokyo,与上海空间共同搭建跨国的展示平台。

Shun Art Gallery was founded by Shun in Shanghai M50 in August 2006, and in 2017 moved to the Clement Apartment on Fuxing Middle Road in the French Concession. The gallery’s Chinese name “熏(xūn)依(yī)社(shè)“ is taken from the pronunciation of the Chinese translation of Shun Art & Design, “xūn” means “Shun”, “yī” means “Art”, and “shè” means “Design”. The gallery has been committed to the exchange of Asian art and culture as its mainline of operation, regularly curates solo or group exhibitions of artists from China, Japan, Korea, India, and other palces, and also pays attention to the introduction and exchange of global artists. The artists represented by the gallery range from the artists recorded in Art history at the beginning of the last century to the most cutting-edge NFT artists today. 2022 is the 16th year of the establishment of Shun Art Gallery, the gallery has always adhered to its unique artistic insight and rigorous academic research, constantly exploring emerging artists, maintaining long-term and close relationships with them, and supporting them to realize their ideas. At the same time, the gallery has not forgotten its social responsibilities, and actively launched public welfare activities: 629 Wenchuan Earthquake Charity Auction (2008), “Hand in Hand” East Japan 311 Earthquake Charity Auction (2011), and planned a global tour of 2010 Shanghai World Expo commemorative prints. The gallery established a new space Shun Art Gallery · Tokyo in 2020, to build a transnational display platform together with Shanghai space.

近一年展览记录 [139]

2021.9.24 ~ 9.27 设计中国北京【45㎡光地搭建】

展位面积 小型 ≈ 30-40㎡